Foundry Staff & Leadership

The staff and leadership here at the Foundry is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.

  • Emmanuel and Alexandra Moon

    Co-Lead Pastors

    Emmanuel is the lead pastor along with his wife Alexandra Moon. Emmanuel's passion is to empower lives and develop fruitful disciples that reflect the heart of Christ. Alexandra has a big heart for the community leading our Spanish speaking congregation. She is passionate in leading a missional church that begins with our surrounding community and extends to the ends of the earth.

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  • Michelle Williams-Quezada

    Associate Pastor

    Michelle, with a heart to build community, leads our Student Ministry and Family Discipleship to provide a space for healthy growth in relationships with one another and with God.


  • Isaac Endermann

    Worship Director

    Isaac fills our ears with music and leads our hearts to praise the King of Kings as he directs our time of worship. Worship is a lifestyle we hope to build at The Foundry Community Church.

  • Bob Bowlsby

    Recovery & Pastoral Care

    Bob oversees our Recovery Ministries. His heart is to see men and women experience deliverance from their addictions – alcohol, drug, chocolate, you name it. He has a passion for bringing people to Jesus and getting them connected to the body of Christ. He and his wife, Carol, are a bright light at The Foundry Community Church.


  • Mary Nielsen

    Finance & Administration

    Mary keeps The Foundry fiscally and legally responsible by making sure all our bills get paid on time so that ministry can take place at The Foundry Community Church with the lights on. She is also transforming our community through her leadership in our food pantry ministry.
